While it may be reasonable to opt for repairs, buying a new compressor could be a more practical choice in the long term.
Cost consideration
The cost of electricity comprises approx 75% of the cost of an air compressor through its life, while a new air compressor may only come up to a fraction of this figure (when compared to the cost of ownership over a ten-year period).
Although cost may be your primary concern, it is worth noting that the RoI depends on maintaining maximum uptime over time.
Signs to look out for in your air compressor
Comprehensive checks are necessary to identify the signs of reduced performance. Identifying certain areas of repairs or timely interventions can help you save on energy consumption and cost.
- Oil levels: Check the levels of lubricants regularly and make adjustments as per your operational needs.
- Spare parts: If the parts are emitting loud noises or consuming excessive lubricant, check if they are Excessive corrosion may also affect parts that are left unattended.
- Cooling systems: Excessive heat discharge, indicates that there is a problem with your cooling system.
- Fuse: If your air compressor regularly blows the fuse, chances are that the size does not support the electrical load of your compressor. Do replace these with a fuse that can bear the load.
- Belts: Belts that are either too tight or too loose, can wear out Timely adjustments can help you save on repairs.
If your compressor shows signs of wear, rusted piping, excessive vibrations, overheating or metal deposits in your oil analysis, it’s time for a thoroughly inspection.